Diamond Double D Farms
Jo & Mike Deal
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Sire Docs Peppy AQHA Superior Cutting (1987-Open); Performance Register of Merit (1986-Open). Earned: 63.0 Performance Points; 1 Performance ROM; 1 Performance Superior Award. National Cutting Horse Association $66,283.60. SIRE of 9 Performance Foals earning 45 Performance Wins; 430.5 Performance Points; 5 Performance ROMs; 3 Performance Superior Awards; AQHA World Championship Show $5,783.08; NCHA earnings $17,639.74. |
Sire Peppy San AQHA Sorrel H-26, P-180; NCHA & AQHA Hall of Fame;World Champion Cutting Horse SIRE of World Champion Cutting Horses; NCHA Leading Sire |
Sire Leo San AQHA sorrel NCHA money-earner($740); Performance Point Earner. SIRE of: Hall of Fame Offspring, NCHA & AQHA;World Champion Offspring; Superior Performance & Performance ROMs (35)Offspring; Race ROMs (5); NCHA Money-earners ($209,153.21); Race Money-earners($14,329) ; Halter Point Earners (1,671 Points)Performance Point Earners(1,497 points); AQHA Champions (9); Total Superior Awards (21)World Championships: 1; High Point Wins: 2; |
Dam Peppy Belle AQHA sorrel |
Dam Bet’s Barita AQHA sorrel |
Sire Doc Bar AQHA Chestnut Halter - 36, SI: 75,4,0,0,1, $95.00, AQHA Hall of Fame, SIRE of performing offspring: World Champion, Res World Champion, Top 10, Superior Halter, Superior Performance, AQHA Champion, NCHA $ Earners, Hall of Fame AQHA & NCHA Offspring |
Dam Lucky Bet AQHA Chestnut Halter point earner- 3 points |
Dam Miss Holey Dial AQHA Brown Dam of 5 Foals of which 2 were Performers |
Sire Mr Holey Sox AQHA Bay Hall of Fame, NCHA; Reserve World Champion, '70 & '71 NCHA O NCHA Finals, '71 1st O Finals; '72 5th O Finals; '73 2nd O Finals Top Ten World Show, '72 4th O NCHA World Show; '73 3rd O NCHA World Show Superior Performance, '76 O CUT; ROM Performance, '68 O; NCHA money-earner ($103,477);COA, Bronze, Silver;Performance Point Earner (55 points). SIRE of :ROM Performance Offspring; NCHA Money-earners; Performance Point Earners (249.5 points);Performance ROMS (6); NRHA $711.68 |
Sire Holey Sox AQHA Chestnut Superior Performance, '63 O; ROM Performance, '62 O Arena; '57 Race NCHA money-earner ($12,748 ), COA, Bronze; Race money-earner; Halter Point Earner(4 pts); Performance Point Earner (150.5 points); SI: 85; Race: $615; Wins: 1. SIRE of: Hall of Fame Offspring, NCHA; Reserve World Champion Offspring, AQHA & NCHA; Superior Performance Offspring; AQHA Champion Offspring; ROM Performance Offspring; Race ROM Offspring; NCHA Money-earners, $140,669.18; Race Money-earners; Halter Point Earners (24 points); Performance Points Earned 343; Performance ROMS(9); Superior Performance Awards (2);AQHA Champions: 1; Total Superior Awards: 2; Total ROM's: 9; Res World Championships: 1; Race Earnings: $7,266; Stakes Winners: 1; 90+ ROMS: 1; Race ROMS: 3; Race Offspring Wins: 12; |
Dam Harmon’s Girl AQHA Bay NCHA money-earner ($13). DAM of Hall of Fame Offspring, NCHA; Superior Performance Offspring; ROM Performance Offspring; NCHA Money-earners(LTE $104,265); Performance Points Earned (55 points) Performance ROMS: 1; Superior Performance Awards: 1; Total Superior Awards: 1; Total ROM's: 1; |
Dam Squaw Dial AQHA Bay Dam of 9 Foals of which one was a Performer: earning 22 Halter points; 9 Grand Championships; 3 Reserve Grand Championships |
Sire Boy Dial AQHA Bay Performance Point earner- 2 points |
Dam Greenock’s Squaw AQHA Bay Dam of 6 Foals |
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